Monthly Archives: June 2012
In defense of fine arts – I
5 May, 2012. The following remarks were prompted by a discussion I had recently about Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his critical stance on the National Endowment for the Arts. As someone whose work is a contribution to American cultural life, I would like to further address a topic we touched upon, the National [...]
In defense of fine arts – II
6 May, 2012. The following is a continuation of my discussion of the National Endowment for the Arts and the issue of public support for the performing arts. Some will point to our accelerating national deficit as an area of grave concern. Yes, of course, this is a valid concern. But compared to excessive defense [...]
In defense of fine arts – III
9 May, 2012. The third and final installment in a discussion of the value and significance of public funding for the arts. In advocating the elimination of national support of the arts, some people are arguing economics. I suggest we look beyond that, and consider our fundamental values, because the money we spend is an [...]